Tommy Westerlund
Dr. Tommy Westerlund has been selected to receive the University-wide Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals which honors alumni, former students, and friends of the University who have distinguished themselves in their post-university work as leaders in their professional careers. This award is jointly sponsored by the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance (GPS Alliance) and the University of Minnesota Alumni Association (UMAA). Since attending the University of Minnesota as a Fulbright Scholar from 1979 to 1981, Tommy has become a recognized leader in pharmacy education, medication use, and healthcare in Sweden and throughout Europe. He was recognized as the Swedish pharmacist of the year in 1996 and served as associate professor in social pharmacy and director of the pharmaceutical program at Malmö University before retiring in 2020. Dr. Westerlund has published widely on community pharmacy, medication use, and pharmaceutical care and conducted studies in a range of areas related to pharmacy, health care, public policy, and practice. His positive impact has been felt worldwide, including in Minnesota. In naming Dr. Westerlund as a recipient of the Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals, the selection committee and the College of Pharmacy acknowledges his outstanding contributions to the pharmaceutical field as well as his ongoing connection to the University and the College.