
Olivia Buncher
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Office Phone: 218-726-6030
Carolyn Fairbanks
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, and Associate Dean for Research, College of Pharmacy
Office Phone: 612-625-2945
Keri Hager
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Center for Interprofessional Health Affiliate Faculty
Office Phone: 218-726-6013
Kristin Janke
Associate Dean, Assessment and Quality, and Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Office Phone: 612-626-4648
Karunya Kandimalla
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics, and Associate Dean for Graduate Education, College of Pharmacy
Office Phone: 612-624-3715
Jean Moon
Professor and Associate Dean for Student Affairs
Office Phone: 612-626-6536
Amy Pittenger
Department Head and Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems; Interim Associate Dean of Professional Education
Office Phone: (612) 625-7629
Todd Sorensen Headshot
Senior Executive Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Faculty Affairs, and Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Office Phone: 612-625-8111
Andrew Traynor Headshot
Assistant Dean for Experiential Education and Professor
Office Phone: 612-625-0077
Lynda Welage Headshot
Dean of the College of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy
Office Phone: 612-624-1900
Sarah Westberg
Associate Dean for Professional Affairs and Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Office Phone: 612-625-4632