Curbside Consult Volume 23 - Summer Edition 2024

Research Updates 

TASK-1/3 K+ Channel Antagonist
Benjamin Clemenson, PharmDCoborn's
This TASK-1/3 K+ channel antagonist has been found to demonstrate a beneficial physiological response when given to patients with obstructive sleep apnea, but is it enough to reduce the severity of sleep apnea in patients?

Gepotidacin Use in Urinary Tract Infections
Woojong Park, PharmD, CentraCare Paynesville
Gepotidacin is a novel antibiotic for uncomplicated urinary tract infection that is being investigated. How does it compare to nitrofurantoin in terms of efficacy and safety?

Statins & Dementia 
Karen Alderete Herrera, PharmD, Hennepin County
Certain statins have potential to preserve cognitive function for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and mixed dementia when used for longer durations of time. However different factors may impact the efficacy of preservation.

Therapeutic Thoughts

Guideline Updates in Atrial Fibrillation
Amy N. Bowman, PharmDSt. Cloud Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart arrhythmia affecting nearly 50 million people world-wide. The 2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation aims to guide clinicians in the treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation using evidence-based recommendations. 

Comprehensive Diabetes Care- A 2024 Update
Kaitlin Bredenkamp, PharmD, Minnesota Community Care 
ADA updates clinical practice guidelines to highlight advances in therapy options and the changing population landscape of patients with diabetes.

Miscellaneous News  

Stelo News for Blood Sugar Monitoring: Dexcom Stelo is the First FDA Cleared OTC Glucose Sensor
Morgan Klein, PharmDNew Ulm Medical Center
The FDA has approved the first over-the-counter continuous glucose monitor. The Dexcom Stelo Glucose Biosensor is expected to enter the market this summer.