From the Dean

Lynda Welage Headshot

Dear alumni and friends,

Sometimes people ask me what our faculty, staff and students do when “on summer break.” The answer is, “Quite a lot!” This jam-packed issue of The Record is proof the college is bustling with exciting activity in all corners of our community. 

At the top of our list is preparation for the ACPE accreditation of our PharmD program this fall. We’ll submit documents in early September and welcome on-site evaluators in mid-October. This fall also brings the launch of our new PharmD curriculum and learning experience - MNspire - which will kick-off with the students of the Class of 2027 joining us in just a few weeks. You can read more about it below.

Since your last issue of The Record, we have continued further integration of the Occupational Therapy and Medical Laboratory Sciences programs (Center for Allied Health Programs) into the college. Going forward, there will be more and new ways for all alumni to engage in the synergies created by these programs coming together. 

These initiatives, and so many others, have moved us to adjust our organizational structure in ways that will better support our priorities, move our mission forward, and most importantly, support our students even more. 

If your summer season has been as full of activity as the college’s, I hope you’ve also found some time to rest and recharge. A new academic year is around the corner and I’m looking forward to all the ways we’ll connect in the coming year. If not before then, I hope to see you all at Homecoming 2023!

Take care and thank you for all you do for our students, the college and the profession.


lynda welage signature


Lynda S. Welage, PharmD, FCCP


P.S. It’s safe to say our fourth-year PharmD students aren’t on “summer break.” They began their exciting year of rotations in May and have already started their third rotation earlier this month. Join us in wishing them continued success and extending a huge thank you to our preceptors for supporting and preparing the next generation of pharmacy leaders.