Ameya Kirtane, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics
Ameya Kirtane


Office Phone
Office Address

9-143B Weaver Densford Hall
308 Harvard St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States



Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics


PhD in Pharmaceutics, University of Minnesota
MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Northeastern University
Bachelor of Pharmacy, Gujarat University

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Ameya Kirtane is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota. Ameya received his undergraduate training in Pharmacy in India, before moving to the US for graduate school. He earned his PhD in Pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota and carried out his postdoctoral training under the supervision of Profs. Bob Langer and Gio Traverso at MIT. Ameya has co-authored several research articles and has been a co-inventor on multiple patent applications on various topics in drug delivery and pharmaceutical science. His contributions have been recognized by several awards (notably the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' graduate student award, Best Dissertation in Biological/Medical Sciences at University of Minnesota and STAT magazine's Wunderkind award).


  • Drug delivery 
  • Nanomedicine 
  • Device 
  • mRNA

Research Summary

The Kirtane lab seeks to identify cell- and tissue-based barriers to the uptake of nanomedicine, and design technologies to overcome these barriers. To achieve this goal, one arm of our research will design and execute high throughput assays to understand cell-nanoparticle interactions in vitro. Another arm of our research will evaluate the uptake of nanoparticles at mucosal interfaces in vivo, and design materials and technologies to overcome these barriers.


Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi
