Joe McPherson Selected as CTSI T32 Predoctoral Program Scholar

May 16, 2024

Joe McPherson

Medicinal Chemistry is proud to announce that PhD Candidate Joe McPherson was selected to be a 2024-2026 UMN Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) T32 Predoctoral Program awardee!

The mission of the CTSI T32 Program is to improve human health by catalyzing and accelerating the translation of research findings to the community (i.e., public health and clinical practice) and includes research from diverse disciplines and the full translational spectrum, from preclinical to public health. The CTSI T32 Program seeks applicants conducting translational research and/or translational science.

This two-year training opportunity, funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), integrates a mentored full-time research experience and an individualized curriculum. Unlike other fellowships, the program also includes professional career development activities focused on team-based science and effective collaboration and communication with the larger community.

Scholars completing the program not only produce original research, but come away with the skills to be leaders in their labs, their careers and their fields. Equal emphasis is placed on research and professional and career development.

Joe works with Prof. Natalia Tretyakova and Prof. Will Pomerantz in their laboratories. We are thrilled to see his hard work and dedication to his science being recognized in a tangible way. Way to go, Joe!

Read more about CTSI here

Read more about the Tretyakova Lab here

Read more about the Pomerantz Lab here

Categories: Announcements Research Students


Media Contacts

Dawn Tucker
College of Pharmacy
Eileen Omizo-Whittenberg
College of Pharmacy