Meet Medicinal Chemistry's Five Spring PhD Graduates

June 5, 2024

MedC Spring 24 Grads

This spring, the Department of Medicinal Chemistry had the honor of watching five of our students successfully defend their PhD theses:

Brandi McKnight, PhD
"Chemically Self-Assembled Nanorings: A Versatile Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy and Cell Delivery"
Advisor: Carston Wagner

Jessica Fuller, PhD
“Reengineering Caspase-2 for X-ray Crystallography: Use of Novel Protein Constructs to Gain Structural Insights into Alzheimer's Disease Probe Design”
Advisor:  Michael Walters

Nick Weirath, PhD
“Leveraging Tools for Ligand Discovery: High-throughput Mixture-based Discovery of Novel Ligands to Interrogate the Molecular Mechanisms of Action of the Melanocortin Receptors”
Advisor: Carrie Haskell-Luevano

Tian Lan, PhD
“Rational Design of Next-Generation Rifamycins”
Advisors: Courtney Aldrich & David Ferguson

Parker Flanders, PhD
“Structure and Dynamics of Penicillin-Binding Protein Inhibitors”
Advisor: Elizabeth Ambrose

Congratulations to these five fantastic scholars and scientists! We know you will all go on to do great things.

Categories: Students


Media Contacts

Dawn Tucker
College of Pharmacy
Eileen Omizo-Whittenberg
College of Pharmacy