News & Events Overview


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Dr. Reena Kartha was invited to speak at the 6th National Indian Society of Inborn Errors of Metabolism Virtual Conference on August 28-29, 2021.

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A well-deserved congratulations to Chenwei Yan, undergraduate student working with CODR, on her summer internship at the Global Liver Institute as a Pediatric and Rare Liver Disease Intern. 

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Congratulations to Siddhee Sahasrabudhe, CODR graduate student, for being offered a summer internship with the Clinical Pharmacology and Exploratory Development Group at Astellas Pharmaceutical. Good luck, Siddhee!

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Please join us in welcoming Erica Barnes, administrator of the Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council (RDAC) as an affiliate member of CODR.

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CODR graduate student, Siddhee Sahasrabudhe, will be interviewed by CheckRare regarding her presentation, "Modeling potential interactions between oral Gaucher disease treatment and investigational COVID-19 therapies," at this year’s WORLDSymposiuconference.

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Dr. Reena Kartha will speak at the NIH Rare Disease Day Virtual Conference about her fall 2020 freshman seminar on rare diseases.