
If you have submitted an application in the past, we invite you to reapply to our program. Here are some considerations to improve the strength of your application as you prepare to reapply:

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Review the admission statistics for our most recent incoming class. If your GPA does not fall near our averages, or within our ranges, consider ways to strengthen your academic record.

  • Are there any key courses you should re-take? Organic chemistry or biochemistry are especially helpful to demonstrate your academic preparedness and ability to succeed in science courses.

  • If other factors affected your academic record (for example health or other life challenges or concerns), be sure you’re clearly articulating it in your application essays such as Minnesota’s optional essay. If the admissions committee doesn’t understand the context of your record, it is difficult to gauge your academic abilities.

But keep your expectations realistic! It is difficult to make significant changes to your GPA; consider other areas of your application that are more within your direct control.


  • If you aren’t already working in a healthcare-related field, consider looking for job opportunities in pharmacy or a closely related area. It’s not essential to have pharmacy experience, but it certainly helps you speak to and demonstrate your interest in the field!

  • Find a volunteer opportunity that interests you. It doesn't have to be healthcare related. Just try to show on your application that you’re committed to a cause and giving back to your community.

  • Make sure that your application clearly articulates any leadership experiences you have - whether they are from work, volunteerism, classroom, or community/school involvement. You can convey your leadership experiences in your essays, the details of the experiences you list in your PharmCAS application, and you can ask your evaluators to highlight it, if appropriate. If you don’t have leadership experience, try to find opportunities at work, school, volunteering, or in your community.

Request a reapplicant appointment

Click here to request an appointment with admissions staff to discuss reapplying to the Minnesota PharmD program.