Our Faculty

Michael Potegal
Associate Professor ad Honorem, Program in Occupational Therapy
Swayam Prabha Headshot
Assistant Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Office Phone: 612-626-3545
Anjoli Punjabi
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy
Paula Ann Rabaey
Associate Professor, Program in Occupational Therapy
Office Phone: 612-625-0662
Paul Ranelli Headshot
Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Abbas Raza
Research Associate Professor, Center for Drug Design (CDD)
Office Phone: 612-624-2146
Shannon Reidt
Associate Director of Pharmacy Analysis, OptumInsight (a United Health Group company)
Theresa Reineke
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Chemistry
Office Phone: 612-624-8042
Rory Remmel Headshot
Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Office Phone: 612-624-0472
Mark Robbins
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmacology
No staff photo available. Maroon background with University of Minnesota block M in the center
Clinical Scientist of Neuroscience Research, Gillette Children's
Emma Rolfes
FUHN Clinical Pharmacist
John Rotschafer
Professor Emeritus, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Office Phone: 612-624-2183
Jon Rumbley Headshot
Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Office Phone: 218-726-6047
Lorna Ruskin
Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory Sciences
Office Phone: 612-624-1418