Our Faculty

Michelle Henry Stanley
Professor, Medical Laboratory Sciences
Elizabeth Hirsch
Associate Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Office Phone: 612-626-4388
Morgan Hoeft
PharmD, Lecturer, and Director – Pharmaceutical Care Learning Center – Twin Cities
Thomas R. Hoye
Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry
Office Phone: 612-625-1891
R Stephanie Huang
Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Office Phone: 612-625-1372
Tamera Talpaugh
Assistant Professor, Medical Laboratory Sciences
Office Phone: 612-626-3452
Diane Hutchinson
Director of Clinical Education, Medical Laboratory Sciences
Office Phone: 612-625-8334
Silvia Illamola
Research Associate, Birnbaum Lab, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Office Phone: 612-626-2170
Brian J. Isetts
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Office Phone: 612-624-2140
Mutaz Jaber, PharmD, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Cindy Jacobs
Part-time Instructor, Occupational Therapy Program
Pamala Jacobson
Distinguished Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
No staff photo available. Maroon background with University of Minnesota block M in the center
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (ECP)
Kristin Janke
Associate Dean, Assessment and Quality, and Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Care & Health Systems
Office Phone: 612-626-4648
Jeanine Jarnes
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics